Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hey I'm back!

Sorry, I had to take a forced hiatus for a while because my computer was having technical difficulties.  The tablet is good for facebook, but not for anything that requires actual grammar and typing and stuff.  Ugh.

Anyway, so, we have moved into a house!  It's a pretty big house, too, twice as big as our old one.  And yes, we do know what to do with all that space.  Cartwheels!  Tag!  Hide and Seek!  The favorite game is called "Where's mommy, we haven't seen her for a whole minute, something must have happened, FREAK OUT TIME!".  Yes.  That game is awesome.

The yard is also big, so Nick recently purchased a riding lawnmower from down the street (full of gas, even, so when you take that into account it was almost free.).   We're both pretty excited about that.  Maybe I'll even learn how to operate the thing and mow the lawn myself once in a while. Although, the part I liked about mowing before kids was the exercise, so in reality... probably not.  But I promise to give it some real, actual thought.

So, how does all this space affect my minimalist attitude?  Glad you asked!  It's making me want to get rid of more stuff.  Seriously, I'm surprised there are still so many boxes in the garage. We haven't missed too much of that stuff out there.  A couple days ago we went through and found all the kitchen boxes and sorted through and decided what to keep and what to toss... there's a fairly big box of stuff we don't want anymore.  And more stuff I suspect will find it's way into a future garage sale as we realize we don't need it as much as we thought.  There are lots of areas I need to pair down still, of things that came into the house- too many books I don't want, and bathroom stuff.  But for the most part, I think we're going to stick with the plan- if we need something, we'll go find it in a box and bring it in.  If we don't want to spend that much effort to find it, it probably isn't that important and will get thrown away or sold in the spring.

The camper is the next big thing to deal with.  We want to sell it, and the truck, and get a new vehicle with good mileage.  Probably a van, because I do love being able to cart around other people's kids (and that's actually hard to do in this truck).  It would be great if we could sell both together... but, we'll see... that sounds a little difficult.

So, up next... I have moved right on into my hobby of putting up food, baking like a crazy person.  I went and got a whole lot of strawberries and froze them this week, and I can't wait till the next thing to freeze.  Seems like that's blueberries, right?  Late July?  Strawberries will be in season for a while longer, so I might maybe get some more to put away.  What I froze won't last very long, I think.  I did not make any jam this time... I think I will go a year without strawberry jam.  I'll go with some other, more exotic flavors instead.

we went to the garden center today and picked out our plants and herbs, and Nick bought chicken wire and some seeds.  So, that will keep me pretty busy, too.  Which is good because I was definitely getting bored! (And Sara says:  "I know!  you are being SARCASM."  yes.  yes I am.)

That's what I've been up to.  This blog will likely switch gears and become more like homesteading wannabe/ homeschool/ hippy blog.  I'm pretty excited about that!  :-)

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